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BCURE Literature Review Section 1 – What is ‘building capacity for evidence-informed policy making’?

This section of the BCURE Literature Review discusses the theories and assumptions underpinning the BCURE programme.


This section of the BCURE Literature Review discusses the theories and assumptions underpinning the BCURE programme and the concept of ‘evidence informed policy making’, providing an overview of the diverse and rich theoretical literature on this topic.   We believe it is important for policy makers and practitioners to get to grips with this theory, especially given criticism that EIPM research and interventions fail to account of the messy reality of policy processes. Building theoretical insights into interventions can help practitioners avoid common traps and design programmes that are more likely to lead to change. Section 1 asks three questions:

  • What is ‘research evidence’, and what makes it ‘good quality’?
  • What is ‘policy’, and how can evidence benefit policy making?
  • What is ‘capacity’ for EIPM and how do we ‘build’ it?

You can also download the full literature review, and Sections 2 and 3.

Read the Literature Review Briefing Note for an overview of three of the main lessons.