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Bond, Value for Money Background Paper for NGOs

Itad researched and produced a briefing paper for Bond members, on Value For Money for UK NGOs working in international development.


This assignment focused on the practices of UK NGOs in engaging with value for money (VFM).  Its goal was to support UK NGOs in exploring the concept of VFM in the context of their work, identify ways in which they can improve the value for money of their activities and support their efforts to make a strong and defensible case to funders for their continued support to civil society.

Our role

Itad researched and produced a briefing paper on Value for Money (VFM) for UK NGOs working in international development. Building on existing research and various recent initiatives and methodologies, and grounded in the debates around accountability, advocacy and capacity development, the paper presented a flexible framework for Bond members to understand and engage with the VFM agenda. This framework allowed NGOs, irrespective of size, orientation or way of working, to understand the steps they can take to demonstrate or improve value for money in their organisation and operations.


Value for money: what it means for UK NGOs (PDF). This Bond paper presents a framework to help UK NGOs navigate the value for money agenda and to identify which approaches and methods are best suited to their needs.

Integrating value for money into the programme cycle (PDF).  A new Bond resource on how value for money considerations can be integrated into the programme cycle and how an NGO can build a robust and defensible case for how an intervention balances economy, efficiency and effectiveness and delivers the most value for poor and marginalised people.

Contact Chris Barnett ( if you would like to discuss this project.



Image © Value for Money, What it means for UK NGOs_Itad