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Mid Term Evaluation of the Joint Donor Team in Juba, Sudan

Itad was contracted to lead the mid-term evaluation of the Joint Donor Team which aims to promote donor coordination in a fragile post-conflict environment.


The Joint Donor Team (JDT) in Juba aims to promote donor coordination in a fragile post-conflict environment. Since its creation in 2006, it became a landmark initiative in piloting the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and its applicability in Fragile and Conflict-affected States.

Itad’s role

Itad was contracted by Norad to lead the mid-term evaluation of the JDT. We assessed progress towards achieving its goals of promoting policies to support sustainable peace and poverty reduction, and attain the Millennium Development Goals in South Sudan. We also evaluated JDT’s strengths and weaknesses as a working model for harmonised donor engagement in a fragile context.

The approach

Our evaluation approach combined developing a programme logic for JDT, which incorporated the Paris Declaration commitments in a results-oriented framework, with a desk review, web survey and semi-structured interviews.

Read the report.

Image © People_Itad
Team members