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Supporting local government in Bangladesh to plan for climate change

Itad experts, Robbie Gregorowski and Julian Barr, planned and facilitated a 4-day climate change (CC) training course in Dhaka, Bangladesh in May 2012.


Our experts, Robbie Gregorowski and Julian Barr, planned and facilitated a 4-day climate change (CC) training course in Dhaka, Bangladesh in May 2012.

The course

The course was one of a series of training and capacity-building events under a Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) contract to help Bangladesh to develop the capacity of Local Government Institutions (LGIs). The course was designed to provide a complete introduction to CC concepts and issues (mitigation and adaptation)as well as supporting local government participants to better integrate climate change concerns into their jobs. To integrate the CC course objectives with the nature of participants’ jobs, the course was planned and delivered around a standard government planning / policy cycle: 1 Planning for CC, 2 Delivering practical responses to CC, 3 Budgeting for CC, and 4 M&E of CC effectiveness.