Agriculture – Blogs and news
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Supporting climate justice through collaborative learning
Our work with Porticus is highlighting the value of collaborative learning to shape climate justice initiatives more...
User guide for remote and blended working
After a year adapting to the new normal, AVANTI has published a manual on remote and blended working.
AVANTI in 2020: Adapting to the new normal
In 2020, AVANTI had to adapt to the new normal like many other projects that previously relied on international travel. The...
How has COVID-19 affected data quality in the agriculture sector? Highlights on a recent e-Panel
An e-Panel, co-hosted by AVANTI and EvalForward, set out to explore this question. Our panellists, Armand Zoa, Joas Tugizimana...
MSD in disrupted markets: Important lessons from Nepal
Evaluating NMDP-Samarth (Nepal Market Development Programme-Samarth) - Nepal's first MSD (market systems development) programme
Continuing results in development:
the importance of evidence during COVID-19
The COVID-19 (C19) pandemic has had profound effects on lives around the world and will continue to do so for years, if not...
My takeaways from working on the Nigeria National Livestock Transformation Plan and Implementation Framework
Dr Abdulkareem Lawal, Principal Consultant at Itad, has written a blog on his experience working on the Nigeria National...
AVANTI launch
Join us Tuesday 11th September, when, with our partners Helvetas and the International Fund for Agricultural Development...
60 Seconds with…Ethel Sibanda
Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what...
Consultant Jessica Rust-Smith’s Conservation Agriculture paper has been published
Itad consultant Jessica Rust-Smith has recently had her work published in the book Conservation Agriculture in Subsistence...