Gender and social inclusion – Blogs and news
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USAID’s Equitable Challenge project wins EQUALS in Tech Award
Itad, with consortium partners, has won the 2023 EQUALS in Tech Award in the category of Research for its work to address...
Creating safe spaces for change: lessons for Gender & Security programming
Three key lessons to help advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in fragile and conflict-affected contexts from our...
Building women and girls’ resilience to climate change
Lessons from our work with partners on integrating sexual and reproductive health rights with climate change adaptation.
Lessons for evaluating complex and adaptive programmes
Drawing on our experiences evaluating a six-year girl-centred sexual health programme, the A360 evaluation team share our key...
Remote data collection: Lessons from Adolescents 360
When COVID-19 hit last year and made travel difficult or impossible around the world, Itad and our partners had to rapidly...
Itad at UKES 2021: Evaluation and evaluative thinking
We are looking forward to the UK Evaluation Society conference taking place between 25-27 May online. This year’s theme...
International Women’s Day and gender mainstreaming
International Women’s Day (IWD), as always, provides an excellent reference point for stocktaking global progress on gender...
World Food Programme publishes Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan evaluation
The World Food Programme (WFP) has published the Final Report from Itad’s Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan (2016-2020)...
The UK’s approach to tackling modern-day slavery in Nigeria: Five missed opportunities
I recently read the ICAI review of the UK’s approach to tackling modern-day slavery through the aid programme and it led me...
Tackling human trafficking: Lessons from the Stamping out Slavery in Nigeria project
Modern-day slavery is still a prevalent practice in Nigeria, with Edo State at the centre of human trafficking. The UK...
Handwashing and COVID-19: The role of data in improving hygiene promotion
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the importance of thorough handwashing to the fore in global efforts to curb the spread of...
MSD in disrupted markets: Important lessons from Nepal
Evaluating NMDP-Samarth (Nepal Market Development Programme-Samarth) - Nepal's first MSD (market systems development) programme
A360 webinar now online
On April 30th 2020, the Adolescents 360 evaluation team hosted a webinar to share 2019 process evaluation findings from...
Continuing results in development:
the importance of evidence during COVID-19
The COVID-19 (C19) pandemic has had profound effects on lives around the world and will continue to do so for years, if not...
Changing gender norms at scale: Results and evidence of what works from Voices for Change in Nigeria
Recently, there’s been an increasing interest in the role of social norms in shaping people’s aspirations and promoting...
Engaging adolescent girls in governance processes: lessons from Northern Nigeria
Itad conducted an independent impact evaluation of the DFID-funded Mobilising for Development (M4D) programme, which aimed to...