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Humanitarian assistance – Publications

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Showing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Joint Evaluation of the Protection of Rights of Refugees during Covid-19

Itad, in partnership with Valid Evaluations, is delivering a joint evaluation of the role of international cooperation in...


Framing brief – Impact evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintergration in the Horn of Africa region

This framing brief outlines the rationale and challenges of conducting a study of this kind, as well as the proposed...


How can H2H actors measure outcomes and impact?

The MEAL Advisory Group (MAG) of the H2H Network held a joint learning session 10th December 2020 focused on how to capture...

report cover, girl holding food assistance card

Evaluation of Bangladesh WFP Country Strategic Plan 2016 – 2019

This evaluation was commissioned to provide evaluative evidence for accountability and learning to inform the design of the...


Methodological report – Impact Evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Horn of Africa region

Large-scale global migration is a growing reality for people across the globe, with 258 million international migrants...

cover of report on humanitarian to humanitarian actors

How can H2H actors develop MEAL ‘systems’?

Humanitarian-to-humanitarian (H2H) actors carry out a range of monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning (MEAL)...


UNHCR Country Portfolio Evaluation: Angola (2016-2019)

This report relates to an independent evaluation of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) country operation...


Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s WASH Programming in Protracted Crises, 2014–19

This Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s WASH Programming in Protracted Crisis (WiPC) is the first UNICEF global thematic...


Evaluation of the World Food Programme Gender Policy (2015-2020)

The WFP (World Food Programme) Gender Policy (2015-2020) was approved in May 2015. The evaluation provides evidence, analysis...


Evaluation of Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: Summative Phase Two

The Department for International Development (DFID) invested £54.6 million into a humanitarian innovation and evidence...


Strategic Evaluation of WFP Support for Enhanced Resilience

Itad's strategic evaluation provides a formative and forward-looking assessment of WFP’s support for enhanced resilience....


Evaluation of DFID’s humanitarian response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)

DFID’s Conflict, Humanitarian and Security Department (CHASE) commissioned Itad to conduct an evaluation of its humanitarian...