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Joint Country Evaluation of the Strategy for Swedish Development Cooperation with Tanzania 2006-2011

Itad carried out an evaluation to provide an independent view of the results of the Swedish-Tanzanian development co-operation.


Itad reviewed the results from 2006-2010 to inform the new country strategy which was finalised in 2011. The evaluation was part of a joint review process with the Swedish Embassy and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs in Tanzania. It focused on aid effectiveness and covered the areas of Local Government Reform and Public Financial Management, Civil Society and Governance, Education, Private Sector Growth, and Energy and Environment.

Itad led a team of five international and national sector specialists who developed an Evaluation Framework to identify the range of key evaluation questions. The evaluation findings were drawn from a range of methods and sources including documents’ review, web survey, field visits, focus groups, and workshops and interviews with representatives from ministries, civil society and other development partners.

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