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Fleming Fund Independent Evaluation Supplier

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global crisis that has the potential to reverse a century of progress in Public Health. Drug-resistant infections could kill 10 million people across the world every year by 2050 unless urgent action is taken. By this date, they could also cost the world around $100 trillion in lost output: more than the size of the current world economy.


The Fleming Fund is a £265 million One Health programme funded by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to help tackle antimicrobial resistance worldwide. The Fund supports countries to generate and use data to tackle AMR through increased country capacity to collect drug resistance data, enable data sharing locally, regionally and internationally, and encourage the use of data to promote the rational use of anti-microbials. 

Our role

Itad was commissioned as the Fleming Fund’s independent evaluator soon after it was established in 2015.

From 2016-23, we evaluated the Fund’s portfolio of country and regional grants, global projects and fellowship schemes – all of which sought to strengthen AMR surveillance systems. We provided adaptive management support for Mott MacDonald (the Fund’s managing agent) enabling ongoing learning and programme improvement. And we provided an evaluation of the Global Burden of Disease study.

Outcomes and impact

Our long-term evaluation has informed strategic shifts relating to data use and gender equity to reduce disease, illness and death from drug resistance. Read more about our Fleming Fund work (from 2016-23) in our impact story: Helping the UK Government tackle the antimicrobial emergency

See our outputs and publications below.

Contact Jon Cooper ( if you would like to discuss this project.

Image © Laboratory. Photo Credit: George Redgrave (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Team members
Julie-Anne Darsley Giada Tu Thanh Jon Cooper Giovanna Voltolina Tim Shorten Sarah Lamb Cheryl Brown