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Evaluation of Impact Hub’s Latin America Scaling Programme

Impact Hub is a global network of entrepreneurial communities, places, and programs that inspire, connect and catalyze impact. From Amsterdam to Caracas and Accra to San Francisco, Impact Hub is rapidly expanding, with over 15,000 members in more than 80 cities in 42 countries.


Impact Hub Latin America (LAM) is a network of innovation labs, business Incubators and social enterprise community centres supporting small growth business development and facilitating links to impact investors. A key component of the project, developed with support from Argidius Foundation, is the Scaling Program which identifies specific intervention points to help grow and scale social enterprises.

Our role

Itad has been commissioned by Argidius Foundation to conduct an external evaluation of the LAM Scaling Program to assess the Impact Hub’s acceleration services and based on the findings provide a set of recommendations and lessons that will enhance Impact Hub’s services and contribute to the sector-wide evidence base on what works in business development services. At present, the IH LAM Scaling Programme is under implementation and is expected to be completed by May/June 2018.

The evaluation will be conducted in two parts, first a Results Measurement (RM) System Review while the program is being implemented, and then an ex-post evaluation in 2019. In the initial review stage Itad is providing M&E advisory support to Impact Hub to develop a Theory of Change and strengthen their RM framework such that Impact Hub collects the right data for management monitoring and adaptive learning, and for the 2019 evaluation.


Image: Streets of Cusco, Peru. Credit: Rod Wallington (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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