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Monitoring and Evaluation of DFID’s Support to the Palestinian Authority through the Services, Stability and Reform Programme (SSRP)

Improving health, education and government reform efforts of the Palestinian Authority (PA) are critical to the UK government’s commitment to building stability in Palestine and the wider region. Since 2018, Itad has shown how UK government funding is making a difference to improving – or at least maintaining – education and health for Palestinian people.


Over a four-year period (2018-21), Itad is providing high-quality evidence for the UK government to use to assess its support to the PA. On an annual basis, we are measuring the impact of financial aid on education and health services, and how UK aid is supporting better financial and technical management of the PA.  

Our role

Itad has assessed the level of financial risks involved in delivering UK aid; this research has been commended by the UK in helping it to understand and mitigate against risks which we have identified. At a later stage, we will also be looking at the value of the UK’s diplomatic and political engagement with the PA which is fundamental to the success of its programme. 


Contact Ekaterina Shaleva ( if you would like to discuss this project.


Image © The entrance to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) adorned with the SDGs, January 2018. Photo Credit: Richard Burge, Itad

Team members
Richard Burge