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AVANTI – advancing knowledge for agricultural impact

National governments in the fields of agriculture and rural development across many low- and middle-income countries face challenges to tracking progress against the SDGs and in generating evidence in forms that effectively inform policy and decision making. Where monitoring systems are in place, they often are not embedded in national systems.  


Itad and Helvetas Intercooperation, through the IFAD-funded AVANTI initiative, seek to bridge capacity gaps by working with national governments in up to 20 countries globally to strengthen capacity in results-based management (RBM).  


The initiative supports national partners, particularly national governments, to self-assess and prioritise actions for strengthening RBM and to share their experiences with a wider audience. Ultimately, AVANTI aims to improve countries’ ability to measure progress against SDGs that relate to agriculture and rural development.  


The AVANTI Initiative adapts a methodology – the Capacity Scan (CAP-Scan) – to strengthen capacities in various national-level M&E systems; through a process we call the ‘AG-Scan’. Through the AG-Scan workshop, Itad and Helvetas facilitate processes that seek to break inter- departmental and inter-ministerial silos, as well as bring together players across public, private and public sectors working to achieve similar SDGs. 

AG-Scan workshops

The nationally owned and driven self-assessment AG-Scan workshops involve senior and technical leads in government ministries working in agriculture and rural development. Over the course of several days, they assess capacity across five dimensions: Leadership, Evaluation & Monitoring, Accountability and Partnerships and Statistics. The outcome of these self- assessments is a detailed workplan that the government, IFAD country offices and other national partners jointly plan to resource.  

AVANTI also creates various platforms for south-south knowledge sharing, facilitates participation in global and regional knowledge-sharing platforms such as conferences and webinars and the generation of knowledge products such as blogs, newsletters and briefing notes.


For more information visit the AVANTI website.


Contact Ethel Sibanda ( if you would like to discuss this project.


Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels (public domain)

Team members
Ethel Sibanda Emmeline Henderson Rob Lloyd Abdulkareem Lawal Helena Raijas