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Design and implementation of the Global Partnership for Education Country-level Evaluations

Established in 2002, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), formerly the Education for All Fast-Track Initiative, is a multi-stakeholder partnership focused on supporting and financing education in low and lower middle-income countries, contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal on Education (SDG 4)


In June 2016, GPE adopted a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) strategy to monitor progress across the three goals and five strategic objectives in the partnership’s theory of change. In addition, the strategy calls for a linked set of evaluation studies that explore how well GPE outputs and activities contribute to outcomes and impact, i.e. how elements of GPE’s theory of change contribute to the achievement of education results within GPE developing country partners (DCPs) in the areas of learning, equity and systems. 

Our role

Itad co-leads a consortium delivering a linked set of evaluation studies that explore how well GPE outputs and activities contribute to impact at the country-level. Our evaluation looks at GPE contributions to the achievement of education results within the Partnership’s developing country partners (DCPs) in the areas of education sector planning, dialogue and monitoring, more and better financing for education, and implementation of sector plans. By looking at this, the evaluation is focused on the effectiveness of GPE’s operational model. 

Our approach

Utilising a set of 30 country case studies, the reporting of results at the country-level provide a continuous review of the effectiveness of GPE’s operational model and provide recommendations for course-correction across a diverse range of stakeholders, including national government, civil society, development partners and the GPE. 

Our evaluation is focused on answering the fundamental question of how GPE can contribute to better governance in education sectors, leading to strong systems and better outcomes for learners, particularly the most vulnerable. 


Contact Ignacio Torrano ( if you would like to discuss this project.


Image © Uganda_25. Credit: mattlucht

Team members
Ignacio Torrano Abrehet Gebremedhin Fergal Turner Sam McPherson Tash Allan