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Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Qualitative Baseline Report

This report is an output of the longitudinal qualitative evaluation of the Child Development Grant Programme (CDGP).

ePact, in association with the Institute for Fiscal Studies

The baseline, the first of three planned rounds of fieldwork for the qualitative evaluation, was carried out in late September–October 2014, in seven selected Child Development Grant (CDG)-recipient communities across the five LGAs. The qualitative module of the evaluation is designed as a cohort study, and the same communities and households will therefore be visited in each subsequent round of fieldwork. The objectives of this first round were: to establish the purposive sample of communities and case study women who will be followed through the period of the evaluation; to build a rapport with them and gain their informed consent to participate in the research over the next three years; and to understand as much as possible about their current situation, practices and viewpoints in relation to the following key themes of the evaluation, before the beginning of CDG implementation:

1. Consumption patterns and dietary practices;
2. Household decision-making and resource management;
3. Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) relating to health and nutrition;
4. Livelihoods;
5. Negative coping mechanisms and risk-coping behaviour; and
6. Wellbeing.

See also:

Child Development Grant Programme: Key messages of the baseline evaluation findings

Child Development Grant Programme: Summary report of baseline evaluation findings 

Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Quantitative Baseline Report Part I

Child Development Grant Programme Evaluation Quantitative Baseline Report Part II