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Final evaluation report of the Tilitonse Fund, Malawi

Chris Barnett , Melanie Punton , Itad, in association with Kadale Consultants and Cadeco, Malawi

Tilitonse is a multi-donor fund that has been designed to develop and encourage civil engagement in Malawi, to support more accountable, responsive and inclusive governance in Malawi through the grant funding of projects led by civil society and other local organisations. The programme was established in late 2011 by the UK Department for International Development, Irish Aid and the Royal Norwegian Embassy. At that time, Tilitonse drew on research evidence available, which suggested that citizen action can lead to improvements in service delivery, contribute to the development of new accountability frameworks, and help poor and marginalised groups realise political rights and democracy. The research literature also suggested that civil society can play a significant role in empowering citizens to hold public officials to account, as well as work with the state and other actors to address collective action problems.

This report summarises the evaluation findings of the Independent Impact Evaluation Agent (IIEA), which was implemented in parallel to the Tilitonse programme (2012–16).