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We generate evidence around what does and doesn’t work for achieving sustainability across the water sector. We carry out evaluations to help our partners refine their strategies, and work with partners to improve their monitoring, data systems and feedback loops for reaching outcomes.

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Showing 1 - 16 of 63 results

Fostering data-use innovations for a water-secure world

We are supporting the delivery of USAID’s Water Security, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WSSH) Data & Analytics Activity to...


Evaluating WaterAid’s sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene programme

Itad’s evaluation of WaterAid’s sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene programme (SusWASH) helped inform the design of...


External review of Unitaid’s 2017-21 strategy

Insights from Itad's review of Unitaid’s 2017-2021 strategy enabled the organisation to capitalise on lessons learned from...

Impact story

Shaping organisational change for more effective philanthropy

An Itad evaluation conducted in partnership with global philanthropic organisation Porticus, led to organisational changes for...


Evaluating Menstrual Hygiene and Health Development Impact in Ethiopia

We are carrying out an impact evaluation of the french Development Agency's Menstrual Hygiene and Health Development Impact...


Providing MEL support to the UK government’s Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme

Itad is the monitoring, evaluation and learning partner to The Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme...


Three ways digital data is helping UNICEF make decisions for WASH programming

Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on urban water and sewerage utilities is critical to managing potential emergent and...


Maximising the value of third party monitoring

COVID-19 has brought greater challenges and complexity to delivering aid, particularly in insecure settings. An external...


Mid-term review of IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme

Smallholders are on the frontline of climate change. Their livelihoods rely on natural resources that are already affected by...

Washing hands with running water and soap. For hygiene and covid-19 prevention concepts.

Monitoring progress towards the SDGs and providing digitally-driven solutions for UNICEF’s COVID-19 WASH response

Sustainable Development Goal 6 aims to achieve universal access to safe and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene. The...

African Girl Washing Hands with Soap and Water

How regular outcome monitoring makes WASH programmes more effective

Measuring progress towards WASH outcomes is more difficult and more expensive than reporting outputs, but it is a valuable...


Experiences in WASH systems strengthening

WASH Results Programme learning brief #4


Delivering sustainable WASH outcomes: Insights from the WASH Results Programme

New series of learning briefs from this large-scale programme share data on outcome achievements, insights on designing...


Outcome achievements in the WASH Results Programme: data and insights

WASH Results Programme learning brief #1


Setting and monitoring outcome targets in WASH programmes

WASH Results Programme learning brief #2


Reaching the vulnerable and working in fragile contexts

WASH Results Programme learning brief # 3