Gender and social inclusion
The empowerment of women and girls in all aspects of life, with the engagement of men and boys, is vital to ensure safe, productive and fair societies. Gender-based violence, harmful traditional practices and entrenched social norms mean women and girls are disproportionately affected by the challenges faced by vulnerable communities and workers.
Persistent inequalities in access to opportunities and fair outcomes for women, girls and other marginalised groups undermines both their wellbeing and their contributions to economic and social progress at all levels of society. Our work addresses a cross-section of global gender inequality and inclusion challenges, and spans all of our topics, from women’s economic empowerment to addressing violence against women in families, workplaces and communities.
We design gender-sensitive and inclusive monitoring systems which include scope for understanding value for money and cost-effectiveness and work to implement monitoring and evaluation approaches that unpack discriminatory social and gender norms.
Evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Gender Policy
Without equal opportunities, access to resources and representation for all, hunger will not be eliminated. The goal of the...
Stamping out slavery in Nigeria – MEL Unit
Historically, Nigeria has been seen as a country of origin, transit and destination for human trafficking. Edo State has been...
Evaluation of the Gavi Alliance’s Gender Policy (2014-2018)
The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, aimed to reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the global under-five mortality...
Voices for Change
V4C (Voices for Change) was an ambitious, innovative gender programme, which sought to address the global challenge of...
Drivers of impact in research and innovation for development
Our Global Challenges Research (GCFR) evaluation survey highlights four important drivers of impact in research and innovation...
Promoting impact in research and innovation
How can management structures and implementation processes increase innovation and impact for development? Download the...
Adolescents 360 Evaluation: Final Summative Report
This report presents the overall findings of the evaluation of the Adolescents 360 initiative (A360), which targeted...
A360 Process Evaluation – Final Report
Findings from a process evaluation of the Adolescents 360 program, which delivered modern contraception to over 400,000 girls...
Blogs and news
Promoting more equitable and ethical AI use
Our award-winning research is helping mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico’s leading education pilots and providing...
USAID’s Equitable Challenge project wins EQUALS in Tech Award
Itad, with consortium partners, has won the 2023 EQUALS in Tech Award in the category of Research for its work to address...
Creating safe spaces for change: lessons for Gender & Security programming
Three key lessons to help advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in fragile and conflict-affected contexts from our...
Shaping organisational change for more effective philanthropy
An Itad evaluation conducted in partnership with global philanthropic organisation Porticus, led to organisational changes for...