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Realist evaluation: is it worth it? Launching a new series reflecting on five years of realist evaluation practice at Itad

We like a challenge at Itad, and so four or five years ago we threw our hats into the realist evaluation ring. At that time, there was growing...


60 seconds with…Betsie Lewis

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick rundown of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what Betsie Lewis had to say.


60 seconds with…Betsie Lewis (2021)

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick rundown of what our staff do here at Itad. Read the latest and find out what...


A world at risk? A role for evaluators in strengthening Global Health Security.

Are we really prepared for the threat of a fast-moving respiratory pandemic? We kick off the week with this thought provoking blog on Global...


Evaluation at the humanitarian-development nexus: Lessons from the DRC

Having only joined Itad in late 2019 as a research analyst, I was eager to get out into the field and explore the world of development. My first...


Fairness beyond the race: Four questions for COVID-19 vaccine equity

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen an unprecedented response from the international community to address what will happen when a vaccine comes out....


Evaluation and Learning Partner: Karo Kura ‘SAGE’

Adolescent girls can face multiple and interrelated disadvantages in Sierra Leone. Purposeful’ s new safe spaces programme aims to enable girls...


Five key principles for Adaptive Social Protection programming

‘Adaptive Social Protection’ (ASP) came from a realisation that social protection, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation were...


Fleming Fund Independent Evaluation Supplier

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global crisis that has the potential to reverse a century of progress in Public Health. Drug-resistant...


Support to the 2011 Fragile States Principles Survey

Itad supported the 2011 surveys into the monitoring of the implementation of the Fragile States Principles in various countries including Liberia...


2016-17 global leap off-grid refrigerator competition (round 1) – Follow-up review

The 2016-17 Global LEAP Off-Grid Refrigerator Competition (Round 1) aimed to transform the global market for off-grid refrigerators by...


The Collaborative Urban Resilience Exchange: lessons on informal settlement data and partnership building

The Collaborative Urban Resilience Exchange took place in Cape Town, from 16–18th July 2018, as part of a collaboration between Slum Dwellers...


Evaluation of the Global Challenges Research Fund

We are assessing how successfully the Global Challenges Research Fund is achieving its aims, delivering impact and achieving value for money


Supporting Mastercard Foundation’s flagship pan-African gender programme

Itad reviewed the inception phase of Mastercard Foundation’s Accelerating Impact for Young Women in partnership with BRAC (AIM) programme. The...


Mid-point evaluation of the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team (UK-PHRST) – Final Report

Itad has been contracted by UK-PHRST to conduct an external performance evaluation and independent monitoring (PE&IM) of the programme from...


Too complex to measure? Exploring the dynamic processes of resilience and recovery

Measuring resilience helps to build crucial evidence about how and why resilience is being strengthened, for whom, and in which contexts.


Capacity Development 2 – Behavioural Competencies in a Digital World

In the next of our series of blogs on Capacity Development 2 (CD2), Euphoric Services' Pete Cranston looks at behavioural competencies in a...


Global Fund, Thematic Review of In-Country Programmatic Assurance

Itad led a consortia, in association with Euro Health Group, to deliver the review with a team of experts in designing, monitoring and evaluating...


Global Health 50/50 – where are the men?

I was watching the launch of the Global Health 50/50 Report at UCL recently, and as we had also just celebrated International Women's Day, a...


Conflict and coronavirus: What the pandemic means in fragile settings

While all of us at Itad grapple with the impacts of COVID-19 on the countries where we work, for those of us working on conflict, security and...


Improving Evidence Use in Government Decision-Making

David Fleming reflects on the annual roundtable meeting of the Africa Cabinet Government Network, & improving evidence use in government...


Epidemics and NTDs: Avoiding further neglect

Previous epidemics have taught us that essential services such as access to NTD (neglected tropical disease) programmes can almost grind to a...


Digital Jobs Africa Monitoring and Learning 2015 Grant

Itad led a consortium providing Monitoring and Learning for the Digital Jobs Africa Initiative between 2014 and 2015


Melanie Punton

Principal Consultant

Melanie Punton is a Principal Consultant at Itad.