While many discussions at COP26 are likely to focus on mitigating further impacts of the #climatecrisis, our consultant, Clare Stott, explains the need to also consider adaptive measures to respond to the effects already happening.
What would you like to see come out of COP26 in this topic?
Greater commitments and more effective financing mechanisms for adaptation, in particular to support adaptation in developing countries.
What do you expect to be discussed at COP26 about this topic?
Plans and finance for adaptation, and a focus on nature-based solutions to enhance resilience.
What are the key issues currently surrounding this topic?
Adequate funding and prioritisation of adaptation, and the need to address loss and damage already caused by climate impacts in poorer nations
Where do you see the future of this topic being?
I expect adaptation will become increasingly important in all countries with focus on addressing the immediate as well as longer term impacts of a changing climate
Anything else you’d like to mention?
With a lot of knowledge and expertise in adaptation particularly coming from poorer nations, where people have been dealing with the impacts of climate change in their day-to-day lives for years already, adaptation is an area where reciprocal learning and support between the global south and north is critical. Richer nations have a lot to learn from grassroots innovations in poorer countries and there is a need to work collaboratively on addressing the climate challenge.
Check out more of our expert opinions and climate publications on our new COP26 page.