![three men building a latrine in Kenya](https://www.itad.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/kenya-2-820x420.jpg)
As the WASH Results Programme drew to a close after seven years, representatives of suppliers, DFID/FCDO and the third-party monitoring and verification supplier reflected on what has been learned from the final, outcomes-focused years of the programme.
The following learning briefs explore the WASH Results Programme’s achievements in delivering WASH outcomes (#1) and lessons about programme design (#2) and share suppliers efforts in working towards sustainable WASH particularly the dimensions of equity and reaching the potentially vulnerable (#3) and institution strengthening (#4)
#1 Outcome achievements in the WASH Results Programme: data and insights
What levels of access and behaviour change were maintained two years after initial engagement with communities? This brief shares compiled sanitation and hygiene outcome achievement data from 11 countries and identifies insights for the sector.
#2 Setting and monitoring outcome targets in WASH programmes
This brief focusses on lessons for the design of large-scale WASH programmes, both in using PbR mechanisms and promoting sustained WASH outcomes.
#3 Reaching the vulnerable and those in fragile contexts with WASH services
This brief shares reflections from the three suppliers on the WASH Results Programme on their work towards equity and inclusion in WASH.
#4: Experiences in WASH systems strengthening
This brief explores some of the approaches to strengthening systems for sustainable WASH services: working with local sanitation entrepreneurs; with local government to support inclusive, district-wide approaches to service delivery; and professionalising water user committees.
Achieving sustainable WASH at scale: lessons from an NGO-led Payment by Results Programme Tuesday 10 November 14.30 CE. Read a summary of the discussion and watch the recording to hear directly from those involved in the programme: Hebdavi Muhindo, SWIFT, Antoinette Kome, SNV, John Dean, SWARP, Katharina Welle: Monitoring and Verification team and Leonard Tedd FCDO.
This post was originally published on the WASH Results blog.