In 2021, Itad became ‘net zero’. Its Emissions Reduction Plan 2022-25, published today, outlines Itad’s commitment to taking urgent and ongoing action to reduce carbon emissions. It sets out how the company is currently reducing emissions and how it will build on this to become a greener and more environmentally conscious organisation, in line with its company values.
Read the Emissions Reduction Plan 2022-25
The Plan is complimented by an organisational commitment to mainstream a climate change and sustainability lens across all monitoring, evaluation, learning and strategy work.
Rob Lloyd, Itad’s Managing Partner, said:
“Climate change is the most pressing issue of our era. We aspire to support our partners, staff and wider community to build a more sustainable and equitable world. Decarbonising our activities is a vital part of this process.”
“Pledging to be carbon negative by December 2023 means that we are changing the way we operate to ensure that our activity creates an environmental benefit by removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than we emit.”
Commitments in the Plan centre around the 4Rs: Reducing emissions; replacing emission intensive activities; refining emission intensive activities; and rehabilitating the atmosphere.
Commitments include:
Reducing travel emissions by flying only when absolutely necessary. And by strengthening and expanding collaborations with national partners that reside in project locations to improve the quality of partnerships and reduce the need for business travel, thus enabling more remote working.
Reducing non-travel emissions by regularly reviewing the whole Itad supply chain and implementing changes that improve environmental impact.
Replace emission intensive activities by increasing capacity for remote delivery of projects, and replacing flights with train travel wherever possible.
Refine emission intensive activities by maximising the value of work trips by combining activities into one trip and spending longer in one place to build relationships and capacity.
Rehabilitating the atmosphere by offsetting all remaining hard-to-decarbonise emissions through high quality offsets.
Find out more about Itad’s Action on Climate Change