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Join us at the European Evaluation Society Conference 2024!

We’re leading sessions on utilizing Bricolage for more effective evaluations; evaluating community engagement approaches to health; and how AI is reshaping the evaluation practice.


The European Evaluation Society Conference (EES) is an essential opportunity to inspire ‘collaborative thought and action for better evaluation’. Our sessions explore some of the most pressing evaluation challenges and opportunities in a complex, changing world.

These sessions aim to share lessons from our work and promote discussion to generate more effective evaluation practices within the sector.

Evaluating Community Engagement approaches to health

9.15 am, 25 September 2024

This session will highlight the political nature of evaluation as a social practice, introduce Community Engagement to participants who are unfamiliar with it, and allow more expert audience members to share their ideas and solutions.

Facilitators will draw from experiences with the Wellcome Trust’s approach to engaging communities in health research and science.

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Evaluating in an AI-driven world

2.20pm, 27 September 2024

AI’s impact on the practice of evaluation extends beyond the adoption of innovative tools and methodologies. It has the potential to fundamentally reshape the way interventions are designed and implemented, which, in turn, can significantly affect how these interventions are then evaluated.

In this rapidly evolving context, evaluators and evaluation commissioners are faced with fundamental questions:

  • Will the growing adoption of AI affect the role of evaluators and, if so, how?
  • Should evaluators hold policymakers and development actors accountable against the OECD AI Principles, defined in May 2019, for their use of AI in policy and interventions?
  • What skills will evaluators need to evaluate interventions relying on AI?

This panel event will bring together actors from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences to explore these critical questions and their implications for the practice of evaluation.

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How to apply the art and craft of methodological bricolage?

3.30pm, 25 September 2024

Join us for a solutions-focused workshop sharing three promising examples of methodological bricolage in practice illustrating how different parts of methods can be combined from different methodological starting points.

The objective is to reflect across the cases as well as participants’ experiences, to respond to the following framing questions:

  • What should guide our decisions about which parts of methods to adopt, adapt or skip when designing an evaluation?
  • How can we know if we are holding on to the ‘essence’ of a method (fidelity to its core tenets) as we combine with others?
  • How can we know that a particular combination enables sufficient quality to meet the standards of commissioners and evaluators? What is ‘good enough’ under different constraints in time, resources and capacities?

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See the European Evaluation Society Conference website for more information, including how to register.

Not going to be at EES? We will be publishing highlights from our sessions later this year.