The evaluation, led by Andy Featherstone, with support from Tasneem Mowjee, David Fleming, Katie Tong, Clemens Gros and Leonora Evans-Gutierrez, was commended by UNICEF, who highlighted:
This high-quality, ‘high-stakes’ evaluation helped UNICEF to tackle tough issues and take stock of the effectiveness of its response to crises in high-profile and high-threat environments.
The panel also praised the evaluation’s comprehensive and rigorous approach (including the analysis of more than 2,000 documents, 11 country case studies and over 500 key informant interviews) and well-presented recommendations that proposed practical solutions that are currently being implemented.
The evaluation made a number of recommendations for UNICEF to assess its organisational capacity (policy, structure, accountability, systems, resources) to deliver on its commitments on coverage, quality and equity, including as the provider of last resort.
Jane Mwangi, UNICEF Evaluation Manager, added:
The evaluation has influenced UNICEF’s Strategic Plan, its humanitarian programming and investments. It has also been a catalyst in the revision of the Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) in humanitarian action, as well as initiating UNICEF’s humanitarian review, which has examined UNICEF’s humanitarian operations in the context of the global challenges of the 21st century.
Andy Featherstone, Team Leader, and David Fleming, Project Director, said:
We are delighted that our evaluation has received this recognition from UNICEF, and even more so that it has had such an important influence on the roll out of UNICEF’s revisions to its Core Commitments for Children (CCCs), with a particular focus on balancing coverage with equity.
The Itad evaluation team is currently conducting an update to the evaluation in selected case study countries.
Read the evaluation report.