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Evaluation of DFID Country Programmes Country Study: Kenya

This evaluation of DFID’s Kenya country programme is one of a series of regular Country Programme Evaluations (CPEs) commissioned by DFID’s Evaluation Department. The studies are intended to improve performance, contribute to lesson learning and inform the development of future strategy at country level.

Following the disappointments of the MOI era, the Kenya country programme has in large part been successful in delivering what it set out to achieve. This is a good outcome in a difficult governance environment. The strategy itself is well aligned with Kenya’s needs and significant development results have been achieved particularly in education and health. In delivering this outcome, DFID Kenya adopted a cautious approach to aid instruments, predominantly project based, but moving towards SWAPs and sector budget support where the fiduciary risk allowed and there was evidence of the government delivering on reforms.

Key study conclusions include:

  • Governance issues have defined and constrained many aspects of the programme. DFID Kenya has made a positive contribution to political accountability and a relatively peaceful election and political transition with examples of effective public information, civic education and advocacy.
  • Support for public financial management has contributed to improved linkages between plans and budgets. Corrupt procurement practice remains an impediment with slow uptake of new procurement practice. Preface Opportunities to promote domestic accountability to citizens and taxpayers are being pursued; for example Drivers of Change analysis was instrumental in identifying the Kenya Revenue Authority as an effective entry point
  • Results in education show a strong enrolment response to government’s free primary education policy. Impact studies confirm significant benefits from DFID’s long term support to innovative large scale programmes including school based text book procurement and primary teacher in-service training.

Download the full report to read more.