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Summary: Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED final year

Building Resilience to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) is the biggest global effort to build resilience locally, in highly vulnerable places, yet at scale. After three years of implementation, the BRACED Knowledge Manager has collated and synthesised evidence from project monitoring reports, to understand how resilience is being built on the ground. In this two-page summary, find a brief description of the key lessons.

The findings, lessons and recommendations of the full report contribute to the growing body of evidence and learning about resilience programming. The full report also contributes to further understand the practical implications of resilience as a concept, and how it can be assessed and measured to inform the design and commissioning of programmes.

This paper summarises ‘Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED final year’

Le programme intitulé « Renforcer la résilience et l’adaptation aux catastrophes climatiques et aux changements climatiques extrêmes » (BRACED en anglais) constitue l’effort international le plus important pour renforcer la résilience localement dans des milieux extrêmement vulnérables, en étant respectueux de l’échelle. Au bout de trois années de mise en oeuvre des projets, le responsable BRACED en charge du management des connaissances (Knowledge Manager) a collationné et synthétisé les données issues des rapports de suivi afin de comprendre selon quelles modalités la résilience s’élabore sur le terrain.

Cliquez ici pour lire le résumé.