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Review of BBC Media Action in Libya, Tunisia and Algeria

Itad has been contracted by the FCO-DFID North Africa Joint Unit to conduct a review of BBC Media Action in Libya, Tunisia and Algeria.


Education Sector Budget Support Evaluation Programme in Zambia

From 2013 to 2016, the UK will support the improvement of education quality and participation of girls in the education system in Zambia through...


The Global Fund’s 2017 Strategic Review

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) was created in 2002 to raise, manage and invest the world’s money in...


Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS) Evaluation

The Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS), was a five-year (2013-2018) programme which aimed to increase sustainable access and...


Evaluation of The Norwegian Aid Administration’s Practice of Results-Based Management

There is a clear political commitment to measuring and managing for results in the Norwegian aid administration. Despite this commitment however...


UNICEF Programming in Health Systems Strengthening – A Formative Evaluation

There is currently widespread recognition that the goal of improved health for all people cannot be achieved without stronger health systems....


Design of the Democratic Governance Facility

Itad’s Richard Burge led an eight-person team to design a five-year multi-donor governance programme in Uganda. Working closely with eight...


Post-hoc quality assessment and annual summary report services for the World Food Programme

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world’s largest humanitarian agency, providing food assistance to around 80 million people...


Impact Evaluation of the Samarth Market Development Programme in Nepal

Despite economic growth, remittances from abroad and significant donor support, poverty and inequality remain high in Nepal, with the position of...


External assessment of value for money, sustainability and coordination of DFID’s funding to the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme to end FGM

External assessment of value for money, sustainability and coordination of DFID’s funding to the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme to end FGM


Evaluation of UNFPA Support to the Prevention, Response to and Elimination of Gender-based Violence, including Harmful Practices

The issue of violence against women and girls features strongly in the 2030 Development Agenda. We are committed to supporting the achievement of...


Design and implementation of the Global Partnership for Education Country-level Evaluations

Established in 2002, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), formerly the Education for All Fast-Track Initiative, is a multi-stakeholder...


Mastercard Foundation’s Savings Learning Lab

The Savings Learning Lab supported learning among the Foundation’s savings sector portfolio programmes and the wider sector through the...


Fleming Fund Independent Evaluation Supplier

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global crisis that has the potential to reverse a century of progress in Public Health. Drug-resistant...


Evaluation of UNHCR’s role as Cluster Lead Agency for the Global Protection Cluster

Itad was contracted to conduct an evaluation of UNHCR’s role in leading the Global Protection Cluster (GPC).


Year 3 Evaluation of Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development

Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (‘Pacific Women’) aimed to improve the political, social and economic opportunities for women in...