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Evaluation of DFID-CHAI Market-Shaping for Access to Safe, Effective and Affordable Health Commodities

Itad is leading an evaluation of the DFID/CHAI implementation of the ‘Market-Shaping for Access to Safe, Effective and Affordable Health...


Evaluation of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation’s (CIFF) Contribution to the 2015 International Climate Negotiations

Itad was commissioned by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) to lead the Evaluation of CIFF’s Contribution to the 2015...


The Independent Multi-Disciplinary Review of the National Response to HIV and AIDS

Itad is conducting an annual review to provide an independent assessment of performance in implementing the integrated annual work plan against...


Reinforcement of Monitoring and Learning Capacities for Tostan

Itad is providing a core team to strengthen and refine the monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) efforts of Tostan in West Africa.


Evaluation of Support to Capacity Development

Itad is leading an evaluation into Norwegian support to capacity development in developing countries


Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)

The effects of climate change are felt most acutely by people living in some of the most vulnerable countries in the world. Building resilience...


Evaluation Management Unit for West Africa Food Markets Pilot Programme

Itad is providing the Evaluation Management Unit to assess the West Africa Food Markets Programme's relevance, efficiency, sustainability and impact.


Girl Hub Global Evaluation, Research and Learning

Itad has been commissioned to support Girl Hub's evaluation, research and learning agenda over a period of 9 months.


Evaluation of DFID’s humanitarian response to Typhoon Haiyan

Itad was contracted by DFID CHASE to evaluate the UK humanitarian response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.


Evaluation of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron

Itad has been contracted by Norad to conduct the first ever evaluation of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH).


Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), End of Year 5 Evaluation

Itad has been commissioned by DFID and the Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) to lead the End of Year 5 Evaluation.


Monitoring education sector performance for Sida Cambodia

Itad is working with Sida to monitor education sector performance in Cambodia and to provide technical advice which facilitates strengthened and...


Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility (Follow-on)

Itad has been awarded the follow on contract to finalise the trust fund proposal for the next phase of the Governance Partnership Facility.


Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA)

Itad carried out an evaluation of the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA). MeTA was a DFID-funded initiative, coordinated by Health Action...


Results-based Payment Approaches in the Governance Sector

Itad was contracted by OECD to conduct a study of results-based payment approaches in the governance sector.


Girl Hub, Monitoring, Learning and Results Support

Itad provided monitoring, learning & results support to Girl Hub, a strategic collaboration between the DFID and the Nike Foundation.