Landing page
Monitoring education sector performance for Sida Cambodia
Itad is working with Sida to monitor education sector performance in Cambodia and to provide technical advice which facilitates strengthened and...
Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility (Follow-on)
Itad has been awarded the follow on contract to finalise the trust fund proposal for the next phase of the Governance Partnership Facility.
Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA)
Itad carried out an evaluation of the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA). MeTA was a DFID-funded initiative, coordinated by Health Action...
Results-based Payment Approaches in the Governance Sector
Itad was contracted by OECD to conduct a study of results-based payment approaches in the governance sector.
Global Report on IHP+ Performance
Itad, as part of a consortium, will deliver the 2014 round of monitoring on effective development cooperation, based on 2013 data for IHP+...
Girl Hub, Monitoring, Learning and Results Support
Itad provided monitoring, learning & results support to Girl Hub, a strategic collaboration between the DFID and the Nike Foundation.
Study on Governance Indicators, Nigeria
Itad provided a team to undertake a study which aimed to develop and test a set of public sector governance indicators for DFID's Nigeria portfolio.
Evaluation of Accountability in Tanzania (AcT) Programme
Itad conducted the final evaluation of the Accountability in Tanzania (AcT) programme.
Rockefeller Foundation, Innovation in Impact Evaluation for Development
Itad and IDS have launched a joint initiative with CDI to contribute to learning and innovation in impact evaluation and ICT for M&E to the...
Global Environment Facility Capacity Development Review
Itad led the evaluation of the GEF EA with a team of experts with experience in evaluations, ICT, knowledge management and communications.
Independent Evaluation of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
Itad is leading the Independent Evaluation of the Development Grants Facility of the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
GDNet M&E Technical Support 2009-2014
Itad’s supported and facilitated GDNet’s monitoring, evaluation and learning activities, and drafted a final report in 2014.
Transparency International, Measuring and Monitoring Impact Movement-Wide
Itad is to providing support to the MEL unit of Transparency International in the development of an approach to measuring and monitoring outcome...
DFID Kenya Wealth Creation Portfolio: Reach and Contribution to Poverty Reduction
Itad is undertaking a study for DFID Kenya to assess the plans for evidence gathering on their private sector and enabling environment programs.
Adolescent Girls Initiative Action Research Programme (AGIARP)
Itad is leading the cost-effectiveness component of an evaluation into the Adolescent Girls Initiative Action Research Programme (AGIARP), Kenya.
Rockefeller Foundation, Resilience Learning and Support Grant
Itad is leading a range of strategic advisory and knowledge services related to resilience-building across sectors of the Rockefeller...