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Mid-Term Review of the Civil Society Support Programme, Ethiopia

Itad is undertaking the mid-term review through assessing the Civil Society Support Programme’s performance in Ethiopia.


Evaluation of EU Support to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Itad is leading an evaluation of EU support to gender equality and women's empowerment.


MacArthur Foundation HRIJ Grantee Meetings

Itad is undertaking the meetings as a follow on to its work on the retrospective evaluation of the MacArthur Foundation’s past 10 years of...


Baseline Oil Governance in Uganda and Kenya

Itad is developed a monitoring and evaluation framework for the MacArthur Foundation's grant making in oil governance in the Great Lakes region.


WaterAid, Testing the Waters: how can ICTs for monitoring be strengthened and made more inclusive to achieve greater sustainability of rural water services?

Itad has been contracted by Hivos, IRC International Water & Sanitation Centre to investigate information and communication technology (ICT)...


Evaluation of the Training for Peace in Africa Programme

Itad, in partnership with Chr. Michelsen Institute, conducted an evaluation of the Norwegian Training for Peace in Africa (TfP) Programme.


Support to Musika’s Monitoring and Results Measurement Strategy Development and ‘Mock’ DCED Standard Audit

Itad helped Musika refine its existing systems, tools and processes in order to meet the goals of reporting against the logframe, manage an...


Results Framework for Business Innovation Fund (BIF)

Itad is providing strategic Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services to the second phase of DFID's Business Innovation Facility (BIF2) programme.


Evaluation Manager for DFID Tanzania: Rural Roads and Livelihoods

Itad is providing M&E advice and capacity building to the implementing DFID programmes in Tanzania.


BEAM Exchange

Itad is leading the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) spoke for BEAM, which aims to build the credibility of the market systems approach by...


Impact Assessments under DFID’s Legal Assistance for Economic Reform (LASER) Programme

Itad undertook a series of impact assessments under DFID's Legal Assistance for Economic Reform (LASER) Programme.


Mid-term review of the Civil Society Support Programme (CSSP) in Ethiopia

Itad is carrying out the mid-term review of the Civil Society Support Programme (CSSP) in Ethiopia. The programme is national in coverage,...


Added Value of Strategic Funding

Itad was contracted by Population Services International to evaluate the value of providing core funding and to develop a set of hypothesis...


Digital Jobs Africa Monitoring and Learning 2015 Grant

Itad led a consortium providing Monitoring and Learning for the Digital Jobs Africa Initiative between 2014 and 2015


Evaluation of the Strategy for Danish Humanitarian Action 2010-2015

Itad evaluated the Danish Strategy for Humanitarian Action, focusing on six strategic directions, including vulnerability and protecting...


Independent Monitoring and Verification of the WASH Results Programme

Millions of people worldwide still lack access to improved water supply and sanitation. The DFID Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Results...