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Evaluation of the China-UK Global Health Support Programme (GHSP)

Itad was contracted by DFID to conduct an evaluation of the China-UK Global Health Support Programme (GHSP).


Assessing Value for Money in DFID’s Health Portfolio across States in India

DFID has commissioned Itad to conduct an evaluation to assess the overall impact and value for money of it's 3 health sector budget programmes in...


Culture & Development Evaluation Toolkit

Itad developed a Monitoring & Evaluation Framework to begin measuring the British Councils' Culture & Development Strategy.


Monitoring and Evaluation Services in the Area of Disadvantaged Youth and Digital Employment

Itad led a consortium providing Monitoring and Evaluation for the Rockefeller Foundation's Digital Jobs Africa Initiative between 2014 and 2019.


Macro Evaluations- DFID’s Strategic Vision for Girls & Women, & Policy Frame for E&A

Itad mobilised an exceptional team of highly respected and qualified experts to conduct macro evaluations of the Strategic Vision for Girls and...


Monitoring and Evaluation of the Global Mine Action Programme

Itad was contracted by DFID to provide Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services to the Global Mine Action Programme (GMAP) 2014-17.


Independent Evaluation of the Child Development Grant in Northern Nigeria

Malnutrition is endemic in Northern Nigeria and has complex inter-related causes associated with food security, caring practices, and health...


Evaluation of Peace and Development in Finland’s Development Cooperation

Itad is leading this first large, thematic evaluation of Finnish Development Cooperation focusing on the peace, security and development nexus.


Monitoring & Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility

Itad has been contracted to improve the logframe of the Governance Partnership Facility, a trust fund established to support economic governance...


Study on Governance Indicators

In 2011, the UK Department for International Development allocated funds to the World Bank for the establishment of a trust fund to support...


Independent Monitoring of DFID programmes in Yemen (Ta’zeez)

Itad is working with British Council and Interaction Yemen to undertake independent monitoring and verification of DFID's programmes in Yemen.


Ideas to Impact (DFID Innovation Prizes for Environment and Development)

Itad is leading the design and implementation of the Ideas to Impact programme's Monitoring & Evaluation as part of the IMC-led service provider...


Oceans and Fisheries Synthesis Review

Itad conducted a review of the Rockefeller Foundation's Oceans and Fisheries initiative to identify factors influencing the success and failure...


Evaluation of EC Support to Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Partner Countries

Itad is leading an evaluation of EU support to gender equality and women's empowerment.


Monitoring & Evaluation of the Nepal Rural Access Programme

Itad is managing the independent Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Unit (MEL Unit) of the third phase of the Nepal Rural Access Programme (RAP).


Formative Evaluation of Monitoring Results for Equity System (MoRES) Approach

Itad is drawing early lessons to help sharpen the coherence, methods, and tools of the Monitoring Results for Equity System approach to UNICEF...