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Independent evaluation of infoDev as a World Bank global partnership program

Itad, partnered with Universalia, evaluated the performance of the infoDev programme over the last four years.


Mainstreaming climate change with DFID Tanzania

Itad worked with DFID Tanzania to enhance its approach to climate change, both in terms of mainstreaming the issue in ongoing and future...


AusAID, Aid Advisory Services Standing Offer

Itad have been selected as a nominated supplier of monitoring and evaluation services to AusAID under the new Aid Advisory Services Standing Offer.


Information to Support the Development of a DFID Southern Africa Regional HIV Prevention Programme

Itad led a team to support UK DFID to develop a business case for a new regional HIV prevention programme in Southern Africa.


Impact evaluation of the Millennium Villages project in Northern Ghana 

Billions of people live in extreme poverty. The Millennium Villages project is a bold attempt to lift rural African communities out of the...


Mid-Term Evaluation of Oxfam GB’s DFID Programme Partnership Agreement (PPA)

Itad, with Ipsos MORI, was commissioned by Oxfam to carry out their mid-term evaluation covering the first 15 months of the 2011-2014 grant period.


Plan UK, Independent Progress Review of DFID PPA Funding – Building Skills for Life ‘Empowering Adolescent Girls through Education’

Itad, with Ipsos MORI, was commissioned by Plan UK to carry out their mid-term evaluation covering the first 15 months of the 2011-2014 grant period.


GEMS Results Measurement Handbook

Itad was commissioned by GEMS to develop a handbook to provide a consistent framework for capturing and reporting results and to ensure a...


Monitoring Systems Support to Musika

Itad was commissioned by Musika to help refine its monitoring systems to enable it to better measure its results and manage its internal information.


Development of a diagnostic framework for Value for Money in governance and conflict programmes

Itad provided DFID Nigeria with advice on how Value for Money can best be monitored and measured in its governance and conflict programmes.


Annual Review of DFID Support to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

Itad reviewed DFID support to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) from March 2011 to February 2012.


Assessing the Value for Money of Vaccine Product Development Partnerships

Itad supported IAVI in developing a framework for assessing the 'value for money' generated through vaccine-focused Product Development Partnerships


Monitoring and Evaluation Support to the Food Retail Industry Challenge Fund

Itad is supporting the Food Retail Industry Challenge Fund management team by ensuring effective M&E systems are in place and in use.


Review of the African Development Bank’s Gender Equality Results

In 2011, Itad conducted a review of the African Development Bank's gender equality strategy, by focusing on projects completed between 2009 and 2011.


Comic Relief, Study on Costs of Measuring Effectiveness

Itad conducted a study to gain a better understanding of the key elements of effective and appropriate MEL systems for different types & sizes of...


Mid-term Review of the WTO Enhanced Integrated Framework

Itad, with Saana, undertook an independent evaluation of the performance of the WTO's Enhanced Integrated Framework programme and recommend...