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Evaluation of the Global Research on Antimicrobial Resistance project

Despite the long-standing recognition of AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) as a major public health problem, lack of information...


Data collection and analysis partner in India and Bangladesh

Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals calls for effective measures to end forced labour, modern slavery and human...


Evaluation and Learning Partner: Karo Kura ‘SAGE’

Adolescent girls can face multiple and interrelated disadvantages in Sierra Leone. Purposeful’ s new safe spaces programme...


Support for the development of Theories of Change for Gavi Investments

The Gavi Alliance (Gavi) is a unique organisation that aligns public and private resources in a global effort to create...


Stamping out slavery in Nigeria – MEL Unit

Historically, Nigeria has been seen as a country of origin, transit and destination for human trafficking. Edo State has been...


Building partnerships for global change: Lessons from the China-UK Global Health Support Programme

China is at the centre of many current debates about global governance and will play an important role in global affairs in...


MEL in the time of COVID-19 in Nigeria: Ways to adapt

I was recently on a webinar panel anchored by ActionAid, which looked at adapting Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) during and...

evidence gap map shown on mobile phone and laptop

Access to SRH services for persons with disabilities: mapping the evidence

A growing body of evidence shows that persons with disabilities have historically been denied their SRH (sexual and...


Journal article shares findings of China-UK Global Health Support Programme evaluation

Findings of the evaluation of the China-UK Global Health Support Programme (GHSP) are shared in a new journal article...


Conflict and coronavirus: What the pandemic means in fragile settings

While all of us at Itad grapple with the impacts of COVID-19 on the countries where we work, for those of us working on...


Answering questions on the WASH Results Evaluation

Over 180 people from NGOs, funding agencies and research organisations around the world with an interest in WASH and Payment...


E-panel to share DFID WASH Results Programme evaluation findings

On 15 May 2020 an e-panel featuring Itad’s Katharina Welle will share the findings of the DFID Water, Sanitation & Hygiene...


A360 webinar now online

On April 30th 2020, the Adolescents 360 evaluation team hosted a webinar to share 2019 process evaluation findings from...


Learning from evaluating Caribbean anti-corruption agencies published in journal article

A new journal article sharing learning from two Itad evaluations of a UK DFID anti-corruption programme in the Caribbean has...


Developing indicators for the UK’s aid spend on research and innovation (GCRF and Newton Fund)

BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) spends part of the overseas aid budget on research and...


Ethics in evaluation: Why it is important

Ethics and safeguarding are increasingly at the centre of evaluation practice. Following the 2019 publication of DFID’s...