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Showing 273 - 288 of 431 results

Business Environment Reform Facility (BERF)

Itad is a member of the KPMG-led consortium delivering the BERF programme and has responsibility for the ‘Cross-DFID lesson...


Theory of Change and Results Framework support to GPE Strategic Plan

As part of finalising the Strategic Plan 2016-2020, Itad was contracted to help integrate a global Theory of Change (ToC) and...


Communication for Development: An Evaluation of UNICEF’s Capacity and Action

Itad is conducting an evaluation of UNCEF's Capacity for Development application, to guide and strengthen future...


Evaluation of the Dutch Good Growth Fund

Itad, together with SEO Economic Research, has been selected to perform the impact evaluation of the first 5-years of the...


HMG Climate Change Compass: evaluating the UK’s International Climate Fund (ICF)

As climate change continues to create new and complex challenges, more agile approaches to development and environmental...


WASH Results blog post on “six suggestions” is live

Reflections by DFID WASH Results’ suppliers on the programme’s design and commissioning, summarised into six suggestions...


Scoping and Design of Rigorous Impact Evaluation: Bangladesh

Itad undertook a scoping study to design an impact evaluation of voluntary taxation alternative dispute resolution mechanisms...


CGAP: Technical Monitoring & Evaluation Guidance for Funders and Program Implementers

Itad is engaged in supporting CGAP’s work on developing technical M&E guidance to funders and their implementing programs.


Real Time Evaluation of Danida Country Programme for Kenya

Itad is leading the Real Time Evaluation of Danida’s Kenya country programme, from 2015 - 2020.


A Mixed-Method Impact Evaluation Design of a Mobile Phone Application for Nutrition Service Delivery in Indonesia

Child under-nutrition remains one of the most devastating realities in many parts of the world. The use of mobile phone...


Advisory Support to Strengthen Rockefeller Foundation Monitoring and Evaluation

Itad will engage monitoring and evaluation specialists to provide short term practical assistance to the Rockefeller...


Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Sport

Itad is designing a monitoring and evaluation framework to provide both formative and summative evidence on the performance of...


Evaluation of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation’s (CIFF) Contribution to the 2015 International Climate Negotiations

Itad was commissioned by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) to lead the Evaluation of CIFF’s Contribution to...


Reinforcement of Monitoring and Learning Capacities for Tostan

Itad is providing a core team to strengthen and refine the monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) efforts of...


Evaluation of Support to Capacity Development

Itad is leading an evaluation into Norwegian support to capacity development in developing countries


Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)

The effects of climate change are felt most acutely by people living in some of the most vulnerable countries in the world....