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Itad Awarded Grant to Provide Targeted Support to the Rockefeller Foundation on Resilience
Itad has been awarded a grant to support the Rockefeller Foundation’s Resilience Team integrate and advance resilience thinking.
Rockefeller Funding for CDI
We are pleased to announce that the Centre for Development Impact (CDI) have been awarded funding from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Independent Evaluation of the Child Development Grant in Northern Nigeria
Malnutrition is endemic in Northern Nigeria and has complex inter-related causes associated with food security, caring...
2013’s New Win Highlights
This year, we have won and are leading a number of exciting multi-year evaluations through DFID’s Global Evaluation...
Itad report published as a DFID Working Paper
Itad has recently completed a review of M4P evaluation methods and approaches for DFID. This report has now been published as...
Itad begins work providing M&E support to DFID’s Business Innovation Fund (BIF2)
Itad is providing strategic Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services for DFID's Business Innovation Facility (BIF2) programme.
Monitoring & Evaluation Consultancy for the Governance Partnership Facility
Itad has been contracted to improve the logframe of the Governance Partnership Facility, a trust fund established to support...
Helping improve the way in which Value for Money is measured and communicated
The UK government has in recent years given increasing attention to making sure public resources are being used efficiently...
Global Health Diplomacy at the Rockefeller Foundation Center in Bellagio, Italy
Last week I spent a fascinating few days attending a conference supported by the Rockefeller foundation and DFID at...
Itad begins work assessing Value for Money in DFID’s health portfolio across states in India
Itad is leading an evaluation to assess the overall impact and value for money (VFM) of three DFID health sector budget...
Ideas to Impact (DFID Innovation Prizes for Environment and Development)
Itad is leading the design and implementation of the Ideas to Impact programme's Monitoring & Evaluation as part of the...
Itad begins work on evaluating the MacArthur Foundation’s Grantmaking in Human Rights and International Justice
Itad has begun an evaluation of the MacArthur Foundation's Past 10 Years of Grantmaking in Human Rights and International...
Monitoring & Evaluation of the Nepal Rural Access Programme
Itad is managing the independent Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Unit (MEL Unit) of the third phase of the Nepal Rural...
Multi-donor evaluation of budget support in Mozambique
Itad is leading a multi-donor evaluation of budget support in Mozambique to take stock of what has been achieved and create...
Evaluation of DFID’s FoodTrade East and Southern Africa Programme
Multiple market failures affect trade in staple foods in East and Southern Africa. We provided evidence of what interventions...
GIZ training of trainers
Itad are providing training of trainers modules to GIZ for the Supporting Evaluation Capacity Development project in...