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Evaluating the added value of core funding to civil society
Itad was commissioned to review and evaluate the effects of core funding on NGOs that receive funding through DFID’s...
Training on the Evaluation of Conflict Prevention and Peace-building (CPPB) interventions in fragile and conflict-affected states
Itad's Chris Barnett co-facilitated this advanced course for professionals who commission or carry out evaluations in CPPB.
Review and strategic support to GDNet
Itad was contracted to conduct a mid-term review of GDNet. We reviewed its effectiveness, networking, user experience and...
Retrospective Review of Rockefeller Foundation’s Rice Biotechnology Program
Itad conducted a review of the Rockefeller Foundation's International Program on Rice Biotechnology.
Independent Evaluation of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)
Itad was contracted by DFID to provide both mid-term and final independent external evaluations of the Climate and Development...
Evaluating and enhancing the impact of the Mobile Money for the Unbanked programme
Itad has been contracted to conduct an annual survey of Mobile Money for the Unbanked beneficiaries and a detailed evaluation...
Support to DFID’s Market Development Programme, Northern Ghana
Itad is providing strategic M&E and results management support to UK DFIDs market development programme in Northern Ghana (MADE).
Independent evaluation of infoDev as a World Bank global partnership program
Itad, partnered with Universalia, evaluated the performance of the infoDev programme over the last four years.
Mainstreaming climate change with DFID Tanzania
Itad worked with DFID Tanzania to enhance its approach to climate change, both in terms of mainstreaming the issue in ongoing...
Mid-Term Evaluation of Oxfam GB’s DFID Programme Partnership Agreement (PPA)
Itad, with Ipsos MORI, was commissioned by Oxfam to carry out their mid-term evaluation covering the first 15 months of the...
Plan UK, Independent Progress Review of DFID PPA Funding – Building Skills for Life ‘Empowering Adolescent Girls through Education’
Itad, with Ipsos MORI, was commissioned by Plan UK to carry out their mid-term evaluation covering the first 15 months of the...
Monitoring Systems Support to Musika
Itad was commissioned by Musika to help refine its monitoring systems to enable it to better measure its results and manage...
Information to Support the Development of a DFID Southern Africa Regional HIV Prevention Programme
Itad led a team to support UK DFID to develop a business case for a new regional HIV prevention programme in Southern Africa.
GEMS Results Measurement Handbook
Itad was commissioned by GEMS to develop a handbook to provide a consistent framework for capturing and reporting results and...
Impact evaluation of the Millennium Villages project in Northern Ghana
Billions of people live in extreme poverty. The Millennium Villages project is a bold attempt to lift rural African...
Development of a diagnostic framework for Value for Money in governance and conflict programmes
Itad provided DFID Nigeria with advice on how Value for Money can best be monitored and measured in its governance and...