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Showing 81 - 96 of 428 results

Champion building: identifying the best people for your advocacy programme

The second blog in our champion building for advocacy series explores identifying champions in different contexts for...


Champion building for advocacy: what is it and when to use it?

Champion building seeks to identify and empower individuals to act as advocates for change. Our new blog series asks the key...


Learning at the speed of trust: building monitoring, evaluation and learning capacity

Learnings from an innovative programme providing flexible tailored support to meet six organisations ‘where they were’ to...


Evaluating social entrepreneurship in India and Kenya

We are evaluating the Yunus Social Business Model to promote social entrepreneurship in India and Kenya, as contracted by the...


Measuring political advocacy, access, and influence for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

We are developing a framework and toolkit for measuring advocacy, access, and influence for development projects in over 150...


Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning on Global Serious Organised Crime

Delivering monitoring, evaluation, research and learning services to the UK Home Office to develop a coordinated and...


Evaluating the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development

The DFCD seeks to improve the wellbeing, economic prospects, and livelihoods of vulnerable groups and enhance the health of...


Evaluation of Gates Foundation’s 50×2030 Initiative

Itad has been contracted by the Gates Foundation to undertake an evaluation of the 50x2030 Agricultural Data Architecture...


Promoting inclusive and fair climate action in cities around the world

Strategy, monitoring, evaluation, and lesson learning support for Porticus's Fair Urban Transitions programme.


Evaluating recommended reforms for inclusive transformation in agriculture

Itad is undertaking a retrospective policy evaluation as part of the Gates Foundation’s Evaluating Inclusive Transformation...


Supporting Inclusive Growth in Somalia

We are laying the MEL foundation for FCDO’s flagship economic development programme and supporting adaptive management...


Evaluating Menstrual Hygiene and Health Development Impact in Ethiopia

We are carrying out an impact evaluation of the french Development Agency's Menstrual Hygiene and Health Development Impact...


Evaluation of the Wellcome Trust’s Anti-Microbial Resistance Virtual Policy Think Tank

We are delivering an evaluation of the Virtual Policy Think Tank to ensure its strategies, systems and initial outputs are...


Understanding the protection of refugee rights during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has exacerbated the challenges faced by refugees across the globe in exercising their rights and gaining access to...


Quality Support Services for the World Food Programme’s Decentralized Evaluations

Itad is delivering a robust quality assurance service for the World Food Programme’s (WFP) decentralized evaluations,...


Providing MEL support to the UK government’s Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme

Itad is the monitoring, evaluation and learning partner to The Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development Programme...