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Showing 145 - 160 of 917 results

Itad hosts workshops for emerging evaluators at gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021

Join us at this year’s gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021, where we will host two online workshops aimed at young and emerging M&E...


Evaluation of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the extent to which, and how, GPSDD has contributed to its stated outcomes and goals.


Itad at UKES 2021: Evaluation and evaluative thinking

We are looking forward to the UK Evaluation Society conference taking place between 25-27 May online. This year’s theme...

cordoned off area, sign saying quarantine, people behind under International Arrival sign wearing masks

Data collection post-pandemic: Lessons from a year without travel

Safe and ethical data collection overseas has been a challenge across the international development sector since the start of...


Dane Rogers: Highlights from 28 years at Itad

Dane Rogers, one of Itad’s non-executive directors and member of our Board, has stepped down from his role after 28 years...


How can evaluation work support greater vaccine equity for COVID-19?

“With just five per cent of the world’s population having received the COVID-19 vaccine, the disparities are clear,”...


Savings and climate resilience – A review of successes and challenges in current programming

Climate change is the most urgent challenge of our time, and the impacts disproportionately affect people living in poverty.


Itad wins UNICEF award for best cross-cutting evaluation of 2020

Itad’s evaluation of the coverage and quality of UNICEF’s humanitarian response in complex humanitarian emergencies has...


Webinar explores COVID-19 vaccine equity and the role of evaluation

We hosted a free webinar on 15 April 2021 to explore the role of evaluation in supporting vaccine equity for COVID-19. The...


What works in resilience measurement: Our learning in practice

We are pleased to launch our Practice Papers – a new series of publications where we put our learning into practice. Our...

Practice Paper

Improving resilience measurement: Learning to adapt – Itad Practice Paper 01

Strengthening resilience is critical if communities are to respond positively to extreme events, climate change and disasters....

green team

Responding to the climate emergency: How we plan to play our part in greening international development

While the world has been consumed by COVID-19 over the past year, the climate emergency remains the crisis of our times.


Tools and Tips for Implementing Contribution Analysis

A learning brief published with the Center for Evaluation Innovation sharing lessons on applying contribution analysis to...

mountain road

Lessons for applying contribution analysis to advocacy impact evaluation

Are you trying to evaluate the impact of your advocacy work? Are time and resource constraints making it difficult? Our...


International Women’s Day and gender mainstreaming

International Women’s Day (IWD), as always, provides an excellent reference point for stocktaking global progress on gender...


World Food Programme publishes Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan evaluation

The World Food Programme (WFP) has published the Final Report from Itad’s Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan (2016-2020)...