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Showing 193 - 208 of 917 results

Walking for a good cause: A team effort for the Hummingbird Project

Being based so close to the South Downs in Brighton, we could not be better placed for a long walk in the country. Over the...


Approaches to support the delivery of self-managed medication abortion during COVID-19 – WISH COVID-19 Learning Brief #2

Global health emergencies have a significant indirect impact on sexual and reproductive health and rights, by interrupting...

girl reading material about handwashing

Handwashing and COVID-19: The role of data in improving hygiene promotion

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the importance of thorough handwashing to the fore in global efforts to curb the spread of...


AVANTI in 2020: Adapting to the new normal

In 2020, AVANTI had to adapt to the new normal like many other projects that previously relied on international travel. The...


Fairness beyond the race: Four questions for COVID-19 vaccine equity

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen an unprecedented response from the international community to address what will happen when a...


Keeping it real: using mechanisms in realist evaluation

A new paper in a special issue of New Directions for Evaluation explores the use of mechanisms within the realist evaluation...


Ethics in evaluation and COVID-19: New practices in a changing world

The COVID-19 pandemic has created shockwaves around the world and has radically changed not only our usual working...


Maintaining a critical link to last-mile customers: Challenges and opportunities facing financial service agents during COVID-19

Agents are a critical last-mile link to financial services for lower-income households and micro- and small enterprises,...


UNHCR Country Portfolio Evaluation: Angola (2016-2019)

This report relates to an independent evaluation of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) country operation...


The benefits of community-driven development

A new paper published in the Journal of Flood Risk Management explores the costs and benefits of resilience interventions in...


How has COVID-19 affected data quality in the agriculture sector? Highlights on a recent e-Panel

An e-Panel, co-hosted by AVANTI and EvalForward, set out to explore this question. Our panellists, Armand Zoa, Joas Tugizimana...


Leveraging high-performing agents to deliver customer value

Throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, innovation is transforming how people conduct financial transactions and live their lives.


Itad at SEEP 2020: Disruptive collaboration

Join us for the SEEP Annual Conference, which will be taking place entirely online this year. The 2020 conference theme is...


Adaptive programming for global health security programmes

Lessons from the Public Health England International Health Regulations Strengthening Project


Can innovation prizes improve lives for the poorest?

After six years, the UKAid-funded Ideas to Impact programme has come to an end, yielding an impressive amount of lessons on...


Rising to the challenge: How to get the best value from using prizes to drive innovation for development

An innovation inducement prize enables funders to pursue development goals without them having to know in advance which...