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Showing 257 - 272 of 917 results

Nepal Rural Access Programme – CONNECT Review (Phase 1)

CONNECT is a component part of the Nepal Rural Access Programme Phase 3 (RAP3), one of the longest-standing and largest DFID...


Mugu-Humla Link Road Household Baseline Survey (2019)

This report provides the results of two rounds of household surveys conducted between May and July 2019 that together provide...


Nepal Rural Access Programme – CONNECT Component Review

CONNECT is a component part of the Nepal Rural Access Programme Phase 3 (RAP3), one of the longest-standing and largest...


The A360 journey

How are girls in Nigeria and Ethiopia experiencing A360, and what factors affect whether they continue or discontinue...

epidemics and NTDs

Epidemics and NTDs: Avoiding further neglect

Previous epidemics have taught us that essential services such as access to NTD (neglected tropical disease) programmes can...

evidence during covid 19

Continuing results in development:
the importance of evidence during COVID-19

The COVID-19 (C19) pandemic has had profound effects on lives around the world and will continue to do so for years, if not...


Webinar to share lessons from Adolescents 360 evaluation

Itad is hosting a webinar sharing lessons from the evaluation of Adolescents 360.

focus group interview

Evaluation at the humanitarian-development nexus: Lessons from the DRC

Having only joined Itad in late 2019 as a research analyst, I was eager to get out into the field and explore the world of...

family planning

COVID-19 and sexual and reproductive health: Lessons from Zika and Ebola

The need to rapidly learn from previous experience and evidence on sexual and reproductive health in epidemics is now an...


GPE Country-level Evaluations – Final Synthesis Report

This report draws upon the summative and prospective evaluation reports for the 28 partner countries in the CLE (country-level...

children working on a project using ipad

Education in the time of COVID-19: Learning for a resilient future

The latest data from UNESCO shows that over 1.5 billion learners have been affected by restrictions imposed due to COVID-19.


Learning from evaluating Caribbean anti-corruption agencies published in journal article

A new journal article sharing learning from two Itad evaluations of a UK DFID anti-corruption programme in the Caribbean has...


From privilege to right: Why we need access to water for all

For World Water Day, we asked our WASH team to share their thoughts on why access to water for all is essential and what the...


Adapting to adaptive programming

I find that my natural scepticism is occasionally interpreted as me being cynical. And a cynic might ask what the difference...


2016-17 global leap off-grid refrigerator competition (round 1) – Follow-up review

The 2016-17 Global LEAP Off-Grid Refrigerator Competition (Round 1) aimed to transform the global market for off-grid...


Itad response to COVID-19

The WHO (World Health Organisation) has now declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic and called for urgent global action. In...