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Showing 17 - 32 of 917 results

Addressing Climate Change through Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

As this year’s UN Climate Conference (COP28) comes to an end, we wrap up highlights of how we are promoting informed,...

Knowledge product

Emission reduction plan: 2023 annual progress report

A year on from publishing our Emissions Reduction Plan (2022-2025) we take stock of the progress made – and what’s next...


Creating safe spaces for change: lessons for Gender & Security programming

Three key lessons to help advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in fragile and conflict-affected contexts from our...


Beyond drugs & bugs: Addressing gender inequalities in Antimicrobial Resistance

Join us on 4 December, for a lively conversation with experts on gender and AMR, in an online chat show, hosted by Itad, the...


Get to know Itad’s updated branding

We’re excited to announce that, as of 13 November, we will look a bit different. Our core values and passion remain the same...


IOM’s IMPACT Study wins Innovation in Methodologies prize

An evaluation team led by Itad has been awarded the UK Evaluation Society prize in the category of Innovation in Methodologies...


Embracing complexity through methodological bricolage

Together with partners at the Centre for Development Impact, we are exploring how best to combine methods more rigorously and...


Evidence Review for the Inclusive Resilience in Somalia (IRiS) Programme – final report

This report establishes an evidence base and identify gaps related to IRiS’s six program results, derived from the...


Mapping National Health Accounts to Health Systems Strengthening Investments

The Global Fund’s primary goal is to eliminate the three diseases of HIV AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. This blog, from...


Exploring the ‘Power of Story’ at the American Evaluation Association Conference 2023

Join us at the American Evaluation Association Conference from 9-14 October! We'll be sharing ideas, skills and reflecting on...


Join us at the UK Evaluation Society Conference 2023

This year’s UK Evaluation Society (UKES) Conference takes place on 2-4 October 2023. We’ll be participating in the...


Mitigating AI gender bias in an international development context

Itad helped to mitigate AI gender bias in one of Mexico's leading education pilots - and provided important insights for the...


Global health evaluation in a dynamic context: Lessons from COVAX

Itad’s review of the COVAX Facility and AMC demonstrated a critical role for independent evaluation in unpacking...


Five lessons if you’re considering using natural experiments in an evaluation

A recent Itad/Applied Ecology Research evaluation of an initiative to support migrants amidst the Covid-19 pandemic,...


Natural experiments shed light on people’s resilience to extreme events

Drawing on their experiences evaluating an initiative to support migrants amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, members of the...


Afghanistan Mine Action Geospatial Impact Evaluation

The mine action sector should draw confidence from the findings of this study which support expectations about the positive...