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Showing 321 - 336 of 917 results

The Climate Information Prize: Tekeleza (Stage 2)

The Climate Information Prize (CIP) sought to incentivise the development and implementation of innovative Climate Information...


Using Innovation Inducement Prizes for Development: What more has been learned?

The main purpose of I2I’s evaluations is to find out for what purposes and in which settings IIPs are particularly useful in...


Brief: The Climate Information Prize: Helping Kenyans to Adapt to Climate Change

The Climate Information Prize (CIP) was a competition that ran in Kenya between 2015 and 2018. It aimed to encourage local...


Insights from Resilience Policy work in Kenya: A realist Evaluation Case Study

This case study, along with the synthesis of Final Evaluations (FEs) delivered by BRACED-X IPs, was undertaken by the...


Resilience Results: BRACED project final evaluation synthesis

Building Resilience to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) has supported more than 140 organisations in 15 consortia...


Resilience Results: BRACED-X Final Evaluation Synthesis

Resilience is the ability to anticipate, avoid, plan for, cope with, recover from and adapt to (climate-related) shocks and...


Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED to BRACED-X

Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) is the one of the biggest global efforts to...


Itad at SEEP 2019

Join us at this years’ SEEP Conference where we’ll be reflecting on some of our work with the Mastercard Foundation...


The Climate Information Prize: Helping Kenyans to Adapt to Climate Change

The Climate Information Prize (CIP) sought to incentivise the development and implementation of innovative climate information...


Adaptive Social Protection: Independent evaluation of the World Bank ASP programme

This document is the Summary Report of the Synthesis of the second-round evaluation completed by Itad in Oct 2017 as part of...


GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Malawi – Year 2

This is the final annual report of the three-year prospective evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) in...


Itad wins IDEAS award for influence

We are delighted to announce that an Itad-led team has won the IDEAS award for influence for our evaluation of...


GPE 2020 country-level prospective evaluation – Zimbabwe – Year 2

This is the last annual report to be submitted during the three-year prospective evaluation of the Global Partnership for...


Itad at IDEAS 2019

This week Itad will be at the 2019 IDEAS Global Assembly, held in Prague, Czech Republic, where will be discussing our work in...


Youth Financial Inclusion: What we’re missing & how can we serve them better

Our ‘Savings for youth: a review of evidence’ report took a sub-set of 44 studies within the Savings Evidence Map...


Building resilience from BRACED to BRACED X: final findings published

Itad is proud to announce the publication of our final synthesis reports, ‘Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED to...