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Showing 433 - 448 of 917 results

Savings in Sub-Saharan Africa: Access, Policies and Priorities

Saving hasn't kept up with access in the growth of financial inclusion. A new report sets out to understand trends in savings...


Using a social norms approach to tackle corruption in Nigeria

As a teenager in a rural community in Nigeria, I often witnessed the scorn and disgrace heaped on officials of village...


Blended finance & addressing the evidence gap – Reflections from an OECD workshop

Earlier this week I was at an OECD workshop hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Engaging adolescent girls in governance processes: lessons from Northern Nigeria

Itad conducted an independent impact evaluation of the DFID-funded Mobilising for Development (M4D) programme, which aimed to...


Webinar: Navigating the Evidence on Savings-Focused Financial Inclusion

The official launch of the Savings Evidence Map took place in October 2018, with an interactive demonstration on how to access...


Statement on the impact evaluation of the Millennium Villages Project

An independent impact evaluation of a Millennium Villages Project (MVP) covering 35 villages in Northern Ghana was led by Itad...


Management of the Local Roads Network in Federal Nepal – Policy Brief

People living in remote areas of Nepal demand and aspire to be physically connected year-round to markets and service centres....


Final report: Evaluation of the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Football programme

Itad was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Football programme.


Final report annexes: Evaluation of the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Football Programme

Itad was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Football...


Can football tackle violence against women and girls?

Over the years, there has been steadily growing interest in the idea that sport can make a difference in development, beyond...


Monitoring tools from the Kenya Timz programme

This document compiles several monitoring tools designed for the Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls Through Sport...


Resilience Measurement, Evidence and Learning Conference 2018

Join us at the first-ever conference of the Resilience Measurement, Evidence and Learning Community of Practice in New Orleans.


Itad expands leadership team

As Itad continues to grow and evolve its offer and client base, we have expanded our leadership team to include eight partners...


Costing the impacts of violence against women: six potential pitfalls

David Walker explores six regular pitfalls that are encountered in building a costings study, and how to address them in this...


Itad at EES 2018

Join us next week at the European Evaluation Society (EES) Biennial conference, where several members of the Itad team will...


Evaluating the results of BRACED projects in Ethiopia, Myanmar and Niger

The three-year, £110 million UK Department for International Development (DFID)-funded Building Resilience and Adaptation to...