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Showing 465 - 480 of 917 results

Summary: Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED final year

Building Resilience to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) is the biggest global effort to build resilience locally, in...


60 seconds with…Joseph Thompson

Our ‘60 Seconds with…’ blogs are designed to provide a quick run down of what our staff do here at Itad. Here is what...


Routes to Resilience: Insights from BRACED final year

After three years of implementation, this paper presents a synthesis of the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate...


The Collaborative Urban Resilience Exchange: lessons on informal settlement data and partnership building

The Collaborative Urban Resilience Exchange took place in Cape Town, from 16–18th July 2018, as part of a collaboration...


Design for Health: the role of data and evidence

In this blog, Emma Mulhern, describes her initial impressions of Design for Health, a joint venture by both the Bill and...


Mixing, matching and modifying methods in realist evaluation: should we be purists or pragmatists?

This second blog from the Itad Realist Evaluation Learning Group asks: how far can realist evaluation be modified, watered...


Endline summary report: Impact Evaluation of the SADA Millennium Villages Project in Northern Ghana

This report presents the endline findings from an impact evaluation of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) in northern...


Beyond a burden: what value does verification offer?

Police officers, auditors, teachers marking homework and giving out detentions – just some of the unfavourable analogies we...


Adaptive Programming in Fragile, Conflict and Violence-Affected Settings – What works and under what conditions? The Case of Pyoe Pin, Myanmar

This paper examines adaptive approaches in aid programming in a fragile, conflict and violence-affected setting (FCVAS),...


Reflections on Itad’s work to promote the equitable participation of people with disabilities in issues that affect them

The UK government has successfully co-hosted its first ever Global Disability Summit to boost efforts to assist people with...


Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No. 9: How is it being sustained?

This Briefing Paper is the ninth in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...


Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No. 8: What was the evaluation design?

This Briefing Paper is the eighth in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...


Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No.4: Did it displace other development interventions?

This Briefing Paper is the fourth in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...


Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No.3: Was it cost-effective?

This Briefing Paper is the third in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...


Millennium Villages Project Briefing Paper No.2: Did it overcome the poverty trap?

This Briefing Paper is the second in a series to communicate key points from the independent impact evaluation of the...


The DCED standard for results measurement: four lessons from an audit of Enterprise Partners

In this blog, discover what Monitoring and Results Management (MRM) specialist, Adam Kessler, learnt during his DCED Standard...