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Evaluation of the Global Research on Antimicrobial Resistance project

Despite the long-standing recognition of AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) as a major public health problem, lack of information about its geographical distribution and prevalence limits the ability to devise policies to combat AMR. The GRAM (Global Research on Antimicrobial Resistance) project aims to address this gap in data by providing robust, comprehensive and timely evidence of the burden of AMR globally, in order to support the development and targeting of appropriate interventions.


The aim of GRAM is to gather and assemble global data on the seventeen bacteria-antibacterial drug combinations and develop methods to generate AMR burden estimates for the selected pathogen-drug combinations of international concern.

Our role

Itad has been commissioned by the UK DHSC (Department of Health and Social Care) to carry out the evaluation of GRAM. The main purpose of the evaluation is to support learning by the funding and implementation partners, focusing on the efficiency and effectiveness with which the consortium gathers and assembles global data and on the degree to which the analytical results available from mid-2021 are likely to be use.

The evaluation will focus on the analysis of the factors that assisted and impeded GRAM in gathering AMR data globally. It will also aim to learn about processes of policy change in order to understand what influenced the uptake of available data on particular diseases by policymakers.


Contact Marco Maragno ( if you would like to discuss this project.


Image: istock/10174593_258 



Team members
Giada Tu Thanh Ignacio Torrano