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Independent Evaluation of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)

Itad is leading the Independent Evaluation of the Development Grants Facility of the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)


Itad has been commissioned by the World Bank to lead the Independent Evaluation of the Development Grants Facility (DGF) Financed Track 1 of the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR). Established in 2006, the GFDRR is a partnership of 41 countries and eight international organisations committed to helping developing countries reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards and adapt to climate change.

DGF-financed Track 1 responds to disaster risk reduction (DRR) needs at the global and regional levels in accordance with the Hyogo Framework Agreement (HFA) priorities. It is jointly run by the World Bank and the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) to ensure the involvement of governments, the UN, multilateral development banks, regional organizations, and civil society partners.

Our role

Itad is leading the independent evaluation of the relationship between GFDRR and UNISDR. The evaluation assessed the achievements of the UNISDR-GFDRR partnership, and particularly its impact on generating global and regional collaboration around DRR.

Our approach

Itad assembled a small team of climate resilience and DRR experts and evaluators. The evaluation involved i) An assessment of the partnership between GFDRR and UNISDR, ii) An assessment of the specific results produced under Track 1 and iii) A set of lessons and recommendations in order to strengthen strategic cooperation between GFDRR and UNISDR in the future. In order to better understand the partnership between the two institutions, the team applied a Contribution Analysis-based approach to establish a coherent set of partnership change pathways. The evidence to support these pathways was then assembled using an integrated qualitative and quantitative set of mixed methods, drawing on a standardised case study methodology.