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Our projects

We have collaborated on more than 820 projects in the past decade, often in fast-moving, challenging and complex contexts.

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Showing 321 - 336 of 420 results

Malawi, Independent Impact Evaluation Agent (IIEA) for Tilitonse

Itad has been appointed as the Independent Impact Evaluation Agent to evaluate and document the outcomes of specific projects...


The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Support Programme, Nigeria

Itad, WS Atkins and Enplan implemented phase 1 of WSSSRP (Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Support Programme), to establish...


Evaluation of the African Capacity Building Foundation’s (ACBF) Strategic Medium Term Plan II (SMTP II)

Itad is conducting an evaluation of the reforms undertaken by the African Capacity Building Foundation and its capacity...


CDKN knowledge services multi-year evaluation and impact assessment

Itad was contracted in 2011 and 2012 by the CDKN to assist them with M&E and impact assessment across a range of knowledge...


Fund Manager for Strategic Climate Institutions Programme (SCIP)

Itad are providing M&E inputs to The Strategic Climate Institutions Programme Fund; a three year initiative funded by DFID UK...


Mid-Term Review of the Future Agricultures Consortium

Itad assessed the quality of research published by Future Agricultures Consortium members; the uptake of FAC evidence into...


Evaluation of the Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems initiative

Itad evaluated the Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems initiative (RAILS) agricultural knowledge programme.


Evaluation of the Rockefeller Foundation’s African Agriculture Resilience Grant Initiative

Itad conducted an evaluation of the Rockefeller Foundation's African Agriculture Resilience Grant Initiative.


World Bank, Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Governance Indicators

Itad reviews and developed a series of transport indicators that could be used to highlight performance in the Sub-Saharan...


External Impact Assessment of IPPF’s Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)

Itad, commissioned by SAAF, conducted an independent impact assessment of its programme and six of its country projects for...


AfDB, Review of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative

In 2011 Itad led a review of the African Development Bank's African Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative, which aimed...


Support to the 2011 Fragile States Principles Survey

Itad supported the 2011 surveys into the monitoring of the implementation of the Fragile States Principles in various...


DFID, Evidence Review: Environmental Innovation Prizes for Development (Stimulating Innovation in Low Carbon & Adaptation Technologies)

Itad provided methodological and peer review support to this research study which contributed to a DFID Business Case...


Rebuilding Lives of War-Affected Children and Young People in Casamance

Itad conducted an end of project evaluation, which assessed the direct impact of this project to improve the lives of children...


External Review of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Itad was selected by a group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s framework donors to undertake an...


Logframe advice to SciDev.Net

Itad provided advisory support to SciDev.Net to help them develop a logframe to submit to DFID for a grant extension.