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Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Tanzania

ADE, Itad and COWI

This study has evaluated the General and Sector Budget Support operations undertaken in Tanzania from 2005/06 to 2011/12.

These operations amount to a resource transfer of almost US$ 5,000 million – an annual average disbursement of US$ 694 million, some $16 per annum per head of the Tanzanian population, provided by 14 Development Partners. In evaluating these operations, our study has addressed three questions:

  1. How successful have GBS (General Budget Support) and SBS (Sector Budget Support) been in providing the means to the Government of Tanzania to implement its national and sectoral strategies?
  2. How successful have GBS and SBS been in facilitating improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of these national and sectoral strategies?
  3. As a consequence, how successful have GBS and SBS been in attaining successful  outcomes and impacts on growth and poverty reduction?

Download the report to read more.