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Evaluating WaterAid’s sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene programme

Itad’s evaluation of WaterAid’s sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene programme (SusWASH) helped inform the design of future programmes...


Supporting the Hilton Foundation’s flexible funding for disaster relief and recovery

Identifying enablers and barriers to relevant, timely and accountable emergency response in the Hilton Foundation’s Disaster Relief and...


Coordination and alignment with relevant global and UK International Health Regulations: Lessons from the Public Health England International Health Regulations Strengthening Project

This is the second Learning Brief to pull out areas of interest to a wide range of people in the global health security sector from the...


Handwashing and COVID-19: The role of data in improving hygiene promotion

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the importance of thorough handwashing to the fore in global efforts to curb the spread of the virus. Hygiene...


Adaptive programming for global health security programmes

Lessons from the Public Health England International Health Regulations Strengthening Project


International Health Regulations (IHR) Strengthening Project, Global Public Health Division, Public Health England – Third party monitoring and evaluation agent

Itad is supporting the IHR Project alongside Public Health England, to generate the intended outcomes and impact as the third-party monitoring...


Women’s Integrated Sexual Health Programme (WISH) Third Party Monitoring

Itad, together with OPM, has been selected by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to lead on evidence generation and learning...


Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programming in Protracted Crises, 2014-2019 

The average humanitarian crisis, which requires a UN-coordinated response, lasts more than nine years. Vulnerability in such contexts increases...


Evaluation of Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE)

Itad, in partnership with BOP consulting, is leading the evaluation of an ambitious, two-year pilot programme from the British Council,...


Evaluation of Gavi’s Support to Civil Society Organisations

This report presents the main findings from an evaluation of Gavi’s support to CSOs (civil society organisations) during the period 2011 to...


Scaling up Nutrition in Pakistan (SNIP)

DFID is contributing £68 million of support to nutrition interventions in Pakistan, focusing investment on improving micro-nutrient deficiencies.


Independent monitoring and verification of the Accelerating Sanitation, Water and Hygiene for All (ASWA II) Programme

Accelerating access to drinking water and household sanitation is key to achieving the sustainable development goals and DFID is funding ASWA II,...


Evaluation of UNICEF’s coverage and quality in complex humanitarian situations

Delivering humanitarian assistance in complex humanitarian situations is extremely challenging due to the multi-dimensional nature of these...


Fleming Fund Independent Evaluation Supplier

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global crisis that has the potential to reverse a century of progress in Public Health. Drug-resistant...


Evaluation of UNHCR’s role as Cluster Lead Agency for the Global Protection Cluster

Itad was contracted to conduct an evaluation of UNHCR’s role in leading the Global Protection Cluster (GPC).


DFID’s Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme

Donors need quality evidence to say what works and what doesn’t to support the empowerment of citizens and hold governments to account. This is...


Fifth IHP+ Monitoring Round – Country Assessments

IHP+ is a group of 65 partners committed to improving the health of citizens in developing countries by putting the principles of Effective...


Promoting Urban Climate Change Resilience in Selected Asian Cities

Itad is part of a consortium supporting the development of knowledge and M&E components under the Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund.


Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)

The effects of climate change are felt most acutely by people living in some of the most vulnerable countries in the world. Building resilience...


Global Report on IHP+ Performance

Itad, as part of a consortium, will deliver the 2014 round of monitoring on effective development cooperation, based on 2013 data for IHP+...


Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE)

The effective use of research and evidence can play a crucial role in making policy more successful. However, while policymakers in low- and...


Independent Monitoring and Verification of the WASH Results Programme

Millions of people worldwide still lack access to improved water supply and sanitation. The DFID Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Results...


Macro Evaluations- DFID’s Strategic Vision for Girls & Women, & Policy Frame for E&A

Itad mobilised an exceptional team of highly respected and qualified experts to conduct macro evaluations of the Strategic Vision for Girls and...


Mid-Term Evaluation of Oxfam GB’s DFID Programme Partnership Agreement (PPA)

Itad, with Ipsos MORI, was commissioned by Oxfam to carry out their mid-term evaluation covering the first 15 months of the 2011-2014 grant period.