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Gender Equality: what’s in it for men?

Itad's Julia Hamaus reflects on V4C's 'Being a Man in Nigeria: Perceptions and Realities' launch in London, and men's engagement with gender...


Flexible and Adaptive…How Original

The title of this post relates to how adaptive programming was presented at a recent donor meeting, the aim being to profile a soon-to-be...


The ‘almost revolution’ of thinking and working politically

Itad's Claire Hughes reflects on her afternoon discussing where we have got to with the “almost revolution” of thinking and working...


Business Environment Reform Facility (BERF)

Itad is a member of the KPMG-led consortium delivering the BERF programme and has responsibility for the ‘Cross-DFID lesson learning’ workstream.


Communication for Development: An Evaluation of UNICEF’s Capacity and Action

Itad is conducting an evaluation of UNCEF's Capacity for Development application, to guide and strengthen future implementations, and assess the...


Nepal Rural Access Programme MEL: Institutional M&E Review of DoLIDAR

Itad, in association with Development Consultancy Centre (DECC), was contracted by DFID to manage and implement the independent monitoring,...


Monitoring and Evaluating Flexible and Adaptive Programming

Julian Barr blogs on a DFID internal learning event on Monitoring & Evaluating Flexible & Adaptive Programming, where he presented lessons learnt...


Advisory Support to Strengthen Rockefeller Foundation Monitoring and Evaluation

Itad will engage monitoring and evaluation specialists to provide short term practical assistance to the Rockefeller Foundation’s M&E Team,...


Seminar on the challenges of measurement in conflict-affected contexts at PRDU

Itad Consultant, David Fleming, taught a seminar on monitoring and evaluation in conflict-affected environments at PRDU, University of York.


Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)

The effects of climate change are felt most acutely by people living in some of the most vulnerable countries in the world. Building resilience...


Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE)

The effective use of research and evidence can play a crucial role in making policy more successful. However, while policymakers in low- and...


MacArthur Foundation HRIJ Grantee Meetings

Itad is undertaking the meetings as a follow on to its work on the retrospective evaluation of the MacArthur Foundation’s past 10 years of...


BEAM Exchange

Itad is leading the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) spoke for BEAM, which aims to build the credibility of the market systems approach by...


Capacity Development 2 – Are You Digitally Competent?

In the latest of our blogs on Capacity Development 2 (CD2), Euphoric Services' Pete Cranston asks the question - are you digitally competent?


Viewing Capacity Development through Four Dimensions of Change

In the previous blog I discussed how systems perspectives and complexity make us view capacity development differently. This time I want to look...


How systems perspectives make us view capacity development differently

How systems perspectives make us view capacity development differently


Capacity development: how should we reframe it for the digital age?

What's the latest thinking on capacity development? Do social media and new digital tools play a key role? Read about Itad's CD2 conceptual...


Ideas to Impact (DFID Innovation Prizes for Environment and Development)

Itad is leading the design and implementation of the Ideas to Impact programme's Monitoring & Evaluation as part of the IMC-led service provider...


GIZ training of trainers

Itad are providing training of trainers modules to GIZ for the Supporting Evaluation Capacity Development project in Government and Civil Society...


Training on the Evaluation of Conflict Prevention and Peace-building (CPPB) interventions in fragile and conflict-affected states

Itad's Chris Barnett co-facilitated this advanced course for professionals who commission or carry out evaluations in CPPB.


Supporting local government in Bangladesh to plan for climate change

Itad experts, Robbie Gregorowski and Julian Barr, planned and facilitated a 4-day climate change (CC) training course in Dhaka, Bangladesh in May...


Voices for Change

V4C (Voices for Change) was an ambitious, innovative gender programme, which sought to address the global challenge of empowering adolescent...


Wagging the dragon’s tail: emerging practices in participatory poverty reduction in China

At a workshop in Kunming in March 2009, practitioners from local governments and community organisations from all over China met for the first...


The State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC)

Itad was a core member of the HTSPE-led consortium managing the SPARC programme, providing technical direction on monitoring and evaluation.