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Supporting Transparency, Accountability and Responsiveness in Ghana (STAR-Ghana)

Itad was a member of the consortium managing STAR-Ghana for DFID, supporting on M&E and advise STAR Ghana on its approach to Value for Money.


Joint learning programme on pro poor growth

Train4Dev, and POVNET contracted the ODI and Itad to design and deliver a joint learning programme on pro poor growth.


Training and methodological support for EC development cooperation policy

Itad managed a Brussels-based team that was instrumental in the effective promotion and application of EC development cooperation policy globally.


M&E Review and Workshop in Bangkok

Itad conducted a review for DFID of M&E in the region, and used this as a basis to strengthen the capacity of country offices.


State Accountability and Voice Initiative (SAVI)

Itad is a core consortium partner in State Accountability and Voice Initiative, providing staff, consultants and advice across the programme.


Preparation of a Training Programme on Budgeting in Angola

Itad, contracted by DFID, assessed a training programme on budgeting to ensure the Government of Angola improved overall performances of their...


Support to DFID in Responding to the International Development Committee

Itad worked with DFID to produce a Memorandum which constituted DFID's written evidence at the International Development Committee (IDC).


Joint staff training on poverty reduction strategies

Itad were contracted with the Overseas Development Institute to develop a learning programme to be rolled out initially through four regional...


Sida, Advisory and evaluation support to the Chia Se Poverty Alleviation Programme

Itad was appointed as part of the Sida Advisory Team to provide support on programme design and performance for rural development projects.


Rural development advisory team for the Swedish International Development Agency in Vietnam

Sida appointed Itad as professional advisers to strengthen the quality of follow-up on their rural development portfolio.


Project Cycle Management, Sector Programmes & Budgetary Aid, EC

Itad provided training and helpdesk services in Project Cycle Management, Sector Programmes & Budgetary Aid.


Consensus Building in Common Pool Resources, DFID

Itad worked with a Bangladesh NGO to produce promotional material and develop a resources pack for PAPD through consensus building in common pool...


Helpdesk & Training Services in Project Cycle Management, Sector Programmes & Budgetary Aid

Itad was contracted by the EC to provide training and helpdesk services to EC and partner government staff in Project Cycle Management.


The Rural Livelihoods Evaluation Partnership

Itad were contracted by DFID Bangladesh to conduct all the annual and final reviews of their portfolio of 10 rural livelihoods projects in...


Joint Wetlands Livelihoods project

Itad's approach was to catalyse and facilitate improved water governance. We worked at three levels: the whole river basin, the wetlands, and the...